Why Buy Your Do It Yourself Swimming Pool Kit From Us?
Structural Armor Composite Swimming Pools Brochure 
Our in ground swimming pool kits are top of the line - bar none - with our composite walls up to 20 times stronger than any other wall system.
Fiber-reinforced composite wall construction is the strongest and latest technology available in swimming pool construction. Highly engineered reinforced composites have revolutionized entire industries, such as the aerospace, automotive, military, construction, and energy industries due to its infinite applications and unprecedented performance. The same technology used in wings and nose cones for fighter jets and airplanes as well as exterior components for military tanks and Humvees is now being used in constructing your in ground swimming pool.
Strength Comparison: Composite vs. Polystyrene

The Strength is In the Design
Structural Armor + ExBracing is an unbeatable combination of years of worry-free fun and enjoyment! Simply put, THE ExBracing System is the strongest brace for vinyl lined pools where ground conditions are a challenge. When extra support is needed, ExBracing answers the call.
Evolution of Swimming Pool Design
1950's - Inground pool wall material started with wood. Low strength and low longevity.
1960's - Inground pool wall material transitioned to steel. This added strength but little in additional longevity.
1970's - Inground pool wall material transitioned to plastic structural foam. Plastic pool walls added greatly to longevity but reduced strength dramatically from steel or wood.
2000's - Inground pool wall material using NEW Highly Reinforced Composite Material Technologies allows superior strength to meet or exceed steel with unsurpassed longevity. The Material of the 21st Century!
For more information about the Structural Armor Swimming Pool system, download the Structural Armor Swimming Pools brochure by clicking here.
6 More Reasons to Buy from Poolkits.com
- Unlimited SUPPORT from an experienced staff of Real Pool Builders: For the last 25 years our customers have all wanted the same thing, Peace of Mind! In the case of Do-It-Yourselfers, that translates into lots of support. You probably know in your mind what you want this pool to look like, but just need to be assured that you can get there from here. Our customers agree, easily accessible and unlimited support was the most important reason they bought from PoolKits.com. Our entire Support Staff have all been right where you are (8' under ground). Building pools from the ground up. We are Arkansas's largest pool builders and we know the best and most efficient installation techniques there are! Our expert staff is experienced in every phase of pool construction. We have built thousands, yes thousands of pools and we are more than confident, that we can help you through any and all situations (especially at the celebration party when completed). We are fully staffed Monday through Friday from 9 - 6, Saturday 10 - 4 CST. We are on-call most nights, Sundays & Holidays because that's when you may need us the most. We are an actual brick-and-mortar business, we don't just exist somewhere in cyberspace!
- Price. We're not trying to be everything to everyone so we decided to be the quality guys and represent only the top Name Brand Manufacturers in the industry. This enables us to buy in large quantities and offer incredibly low prices. Installing your new pool yourself means you're serious about saving money and chances are you are smart enough to know the value and economy of quality equipment. Most people who do it themselves save about half what it would cost to have a local pool store install the pool for them. Plus, you get the added benefit of knowing it's done right.
- Name Brand Merchandise. Name brand merchandise equals safety! PoolKits.com offers only highest quality, lowest maintenance pools and equipment on the market today. Brands like Fort Wayne Pools, Polaris Pool Systems, Jandy pool systems S.R. Smith, Smart Pool, and many more.
- National Recognition. PoolKits.com has received National design awards from the NSPI (National Spa & Pool Institute) and has been featured on the cover of several national magazines, such as "Builder Architect," "Pool & Spa Age," (and "America's Most Wanted") for being an industry leader in outstanding quality and customer satisfaction. (Modesty is definitely NOT one of our virtues!)
- Owner Operated: PoolKits.com owners have all started from the ground up (ouch) and take an active, daily role in seeing that every customer is cared for individually (mainly because they don't know how to do anything else). That personal attention is what makes satisfied customers and gets us lots of referrals. Want to talk personally to one of the owners? Just ask!!!
- Accredited: PoolKits.com is a member of the NSPI (National Spa & Pool Institute), Better Business Bureau and is highly rated with Dunn & Bradstreet. Our years in the business, priority on individual attention and steady track record as being an industry leader makes PoolKits.com the safest and best source for all your pool needs.